Tuesday, October 10, 2006

So I am sitting at work, typing on a beautiful brand new laptop that belongs to the school that I work for. And yet I feel horrible. All of the people here are good at their jobs, they are sincere and they love what they do. I on the other hand am here to fill time. I don't really care about education. I like the fact that it's a worthwhile job and that I am not just wasting my time at Sears, finding overweight retirees the right pillow for their summer home, but still.

The truly pathetic thing is that really all I want to do is be a peirced and tattoo'd freak. I would like nothing better than to have a job that allowed me to have all the facial peircings that I can think of, and to hell with what my grandmother would say. But I have yet to find that nirvana. I would settle for not getting to peirce my lips, ears, etc. if I was being paid more than a pittance.

Ok I am done whining now.

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