Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Spirit workers in the news

I had an interesting experience today, that I thought I might share.

I was reading an old article in the Concord Monitor while at work, and I will try to get a link to the article although it's old, so I might not be able to. It was about a man who is a Catholic Priest, who moonlights as a bag pipe player on the side to make some extra money. He chose this profession after some time, and what he describes as "running from his purpose of being a minister" or some such (doesn't that sound familiar). When faced with the monetarily thankless job of being a priest, he asked God for some help. God said "Go buy a set of bagpipes."

Now I have gotten really cryptic shit like that, so I can understand his confusion at first. Really a bagpipe player doesn't seem to be a more lucrative career than the head of a construction company but hey, he is God right? Well I guess its all working out all right for this guy now, as he's booking gigs a year in advance.

So my point is this, why when we practiced spirit workers do crazy shit because our gods tell us to don't we get articles about us written in the local paper?


earthy said...

Apparently you must commune with bagpipes in order to be considered newsworthy. Will have to keep this in mind. ^_~

Elizabeth Vongvisith said...

Because when spirit-workers who aren't members of a major world religion do things at the behest of the voices in our heads, we wind up in medical and psychiatric journals instead of the local news!